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Item Description
EDDIE is part of a collection that includes a series of products born from a shared project that translates, while maintaining a certain formal strictness, a retro taste on an absolutely contemporary product.

Thank you for review.

Set Piece   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Width " Depth " Height " Weight lbs


2201 + 2108 + 2500 + 2123 + 2123 + 2702 TESSUTO-Media
(MSRP) $11,730
132/153 72 33.86


2100 TESSUTO-Media
(MSRP) $2,356
38.19 38.59 33.86
Inventory is updated on 05/13/2024
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call office for more updated information
Total price: (MSRP) $11,730